I read an article online today about Alpha Males .. among other things it said that they cheat because they think it is their divine right as a 'leader' to have any woman they want. *ugh* The article was analysing why supposedly smart men like Clinton and Major would have affairs that they knew could potentially ruin their Alpha status. The simple conclusion - because they can. To be Alpha you gotta live Alpha. No hesitation, no consultation and certainly no regrets.. unless, of course, you get caught. Beta's usually forgive tho..
And I thought of all the women who are so deathly attracted to these Alpha males. Used to be they were all underlings: secretaries, interns and the like .. but nowadays the Alphas are getting demanding: former international beauty pagent winners with law degrees are standard fare.
I have often been called an Alpha female and with good reason too.. but I must admit to having fallen for the wiles of a few Alpha males in my time. I think it starts with admiration for me.... but it usually ends with too much ego consuming the air in the room. An Alpha was once giving me a whole speech on the top 10 reasons why I should be his mistress [go ahead, laugh out loud] and he ended with: 'besides, I deserve it'. **insert 21 gun salute***
Now, how do ya like them apples??
"But nowadays the Alphas are getting demanding: former international beauty pagent winners with law degrees are standard fare."
Are you talking baout who I think you're talking about?! LORD!!!! Island Spice, I see already we will get on well!
If the shoe fits..
Seriously tho.. I vacillate between her biggest fan and thinking she must be some kind of masochist. Thats one for your next column yes: role model or national disgrace. I met the guy too - a classic case of WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?? He ain no Alpha .. just a wannabe.
I. KNOW. I used to respect her when we were "social friends". And then I got to know her in a work capacity and thought, "THIS is the person everybody admires. She's just become caught up in people's image of herself. She's so many things to so many different people she doesn't even know what she is to herself. Talk about pick and pick until you pick sh!t
Just passing through and saying Hi. got your link from over by SIG. More Caribben bloggers joining in the fun.
Which further reinforces a strongly held belief of mine, "cocky guys get chicks." Girls like confidence, because if you act like you're all that, there must be something about you right?
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