Monday, November 27, 2006

On Monday Morning Blues..

It's a rainy and bleak Monday here. Not sexy, tempestuous, tropical rain.. just drippy, constant, miserable London type rain. The kind that makes everywhere feel damp and your bones creak.
I went on a date this weekend. We went to see Borat. It sucked. Big time. My date laughed the whole time. ugh. I agreed to the movies only because we were meant to see Deja Vu and hey I can stand 120 minutes of Denzel. But he didn't prepurchase tix...
On another unrelated yet still cranky note, my most evil ex of all times sent me an email to say the he, the most inconsiderate, underhanded and hardened man on earth is getting married next year. On valentines to boot... I think I'm gonna vomit.
So here I am, my brain is packing and about to go home for Christmas holidays but my body is stuck here for two more weeks.. I hate Mondays.


Dee said...

re ex
why do some ppl think you really want to know

Anonymous said...

I have been in London for 18months and it really hasn’t rain that much except for the last few months. Prior to September, we had a bit of a drought. In fact, councils were preventing people from watering their lawns and gardens. Now the rain is back and I do agree that it definitely agree that the dampness seeps into your bones.

As for the ex-boyfriend, I'm sure he just wanted to gloat about his upcoming nuptials. So if I were you, I'd just ignore his email. I know, easier said than done!

Sexelise said...

Dont worry about it,
His loss! Men are so inconsiderate... I hope you didnt act like you cared!

Crankyputz said...

My Ex is getting married next month. Yet he msgs me periodically to say he is a fool and I deserve someone better. This Saturday he wakes me at 4 am, with a 'hope all is well.' Did I mention he is marrying someone else in a month????

So yeah men are fools.

And I am with you on the tiredness....we both need a vacation.

What happened to BJ??

heartinsanfrancisco said...

You can be sure getting married on Valentine's wasn't his idea. People don't change. He'll show her his evil ways sooner or later, and she'll be miserable.

Thank God it isn't YOU.

The rain will go away, but being with the wrong guy doesn't clear up so easily.


I haven't seen either movie yet, but I love Denzel and Deja Vu sounds great. I think I'll wait for Borat to go to DVD because I expect to hate it.

I LOVE the colors on your blog, btw. They remind me of cinnamon, mace, cayenne and turmeric. Now I'm hungry. You have a yummy blog.

Anonymous said...

the only use for this rain is to stay in bed all day with someone - and as the man isn't back yet, it's no use to me!

borat doesn't appeal to me either. I guess that that guy has done his best to ensure that there won't be another date with him!

Island Spice said...

Okay.. I mustered up a smile when I came and saw so many comments, including 2 newbies! Welcome Ursula and Sexelise! :)
Another smile when I remember that I am only too glad that its NOT me he is marrying. And CP.. his last email was asking if he could pass by for a 'visit'. ugh. I don't respond to these emails and still they come..
BJ is fine. He gave me a smile today too.. :)
and thanks HEART.. for the yummy comment. :)

Woman Analyzer said...

It's cold and rainy in California too. Where is home for the holidays?

Anonymous said...

Borat sucks? You sure your sense of humour is working properly? Didn't prepurchase my foot! He knows once you watch Deja Vu, all your attention will be on Denzel.

SimplEnigma said...

Isn't that the absolute worst when you go on a date with someone who either a) doesn't share your sense of humor or b) has a totally wack sense of humor (even if it's not yours)?

Ugh. I thought I was the only person who didn't get this dude's humor.

Well, Happy Tuesday!

Prim said...

Wasn't too keen about watching Borat as well (I can watch the tv show for free.)

Getting married on Valentine's original! ;)

Gooders Girl said...

Things must have improved by now?

I hold grudges! This one is for him:

I hope his wife cheats on him and moves her man in their yard!

Borat -- will watch it not sure I will like though...and the rain...we got that here too

Drink mint tea and eat good chocolate :)

Lex said...

I love that kind of rain. Yes, I know I'm a strange one.

Now, please tell me why men do that. Who gives a rat's ass that he's getting married? Send the poor woman a sympathy card. What a narcissistic ass! What did he think you'd be for one last romp before he tied the knot?

Ah! That struck a nerve.

I second Heart. Glad it's not YOU.

Island Spice said...

@ Leon: cheap slapstick jokes about incest, race and fat people is not my idea of funny. And YES I only wanted to see Denzel for 120 minutes..
@ Gooders: Girl you does crack me up! A sweet cup of mint tea is the cure for all that ails ya on a rainy monday. AMEN. we mussy have the same granny ;)
@ Desirea: Home is Jamaica for the holidays..

katrice said...

Blogger ate my comment yesterday.

It was something about agreeing with Heart that it's better her than you.

And that the sun will come out soon.

Her misery will be longer than yours.

Carnival Jumbie said...

I got invited to my ex's wedding lolol. Of course I went. But fortunately we had parted ways on fairly good terms and remained good friends with the line CLEARLY drawn.
I dunno what he told his bride. LOLOL i suspect she does not know the gory details of the history of ou relationship. Small thing I was happy for them and I would not put him on show.
As for evil exs...I wish there was an alternate dimension I could ban them to.You know like on that Super man movie where they was trapped in the glass pane?Yeah like that

Anonymous said...

I don't know about anybody else, but I want to know what made this ex so evil. Good he's marrying someone else ... but why does he think you care? Men!! So stupid some of them.
I enjoyed my Monday :-) :-) :-), lots of cuddles and stuff for me. Sorry!