We met online. How very apropos and 21st century. The friend of a friend who needed information and professional advice on a project. So it started over business but ended up being daily idle msn messenger chatter. Sweet and engaging but certainly way too young for a second thought. Twice I was in his country and toyed with the idea of meeting up but I never did. Then, about six months later I traveled with our mutual friend who insisted we all link up.
So there I was half asleep in my hotel room when they walked in. I rolled over to greet them and our eyes made four and I think my heart stopped. There was something in his eyes that no online photo had captured. I was stunned. So we limed for the rest of that day, our friend now says we were both acting strange. Seems we didn't want to leave each others presence.
In a fit of passion, I went home with him that night and the next and following and the one after that. Delighted in the throws of an affair with a man 8 years my junior. On the fifth day, I had a minor operation. I didn't mention it to him and I had another friend take me back to my hotel to recover in peace. I missed a number of calls from him during the course of the day. That night I finally answered:
BJ: Where you been all day? What time should I come pick you up?
Me: I had a lil procedure today. I am drugged and in pain. No sex tonight. Call u when I am better, ok?
BJ: *silence*
Me: BJ, you hearing me? I going back to bed, ok?
BJ: Spice.. what do you think this is? Do you really think this is just about sex?!?
Me: ahm.. well.. um..
BJ: Listen. I will be there in 15 minutes. Go back and lie down. I will pack your stuff when I get there.
Me: ahm.. okay..
So he came, gathered me and my things, bundled us into his car and took me home. He made me dinner, he fed me, he bathed me, he brushed my hair and he held me in his arms until I fell asleep. I got up in the night in pain to find him awake and watching over me. Over the next few days I was barely conscious but each time I was he was there. I swear he absorbed my pain and fevers by curling his body around mine.
My last night there I managed to get myself dressed up and we went out to dinner. I looked across the table at him smiling at me and I felt warm to the core. Like a shot of brandy. He put his arm around me as we left and said 'I don't want this night to end. I don't want you to go home'. I blushed and smiled and kissed his beautiful mouth. I didn't want to leave either, but the next morning, I had to.
Um? And the problem is? Go back and get that chile now. Best to get them when their young, you can train them to perfection...;)
You are the undisputed QUEEN of the cliffhanger. Grrrr.
@ oh the joys. no cliffhanger.. nothing else to tell right now. The daily chatter continues. The warm feeling hasnt cooled... yet.
I am waiting to see what happens next too..
Crankyputz is so right! There is nothing like the attentiveness of a younger man.
Have fun! ;)
Well, my significant other is 9 yrs younger than I am, and we've been together for 6yrs. Its been rough, but I cant watch the numbers anymore. Enjoy, especially since he is there when you need him,
Give the rude bwoy a call, send him a ticket, rope him een.
Wow. How caring. "No sex tonight." How blunt.
So, I guess you "linked-up" afterall. Good for you.
That is the sweetest! Who said nice guys are boring? Noooo wayyyy.
As long as you keep the communication lines open, you don't have to worry. Just keep talking.
*sigh* way outta my league on this one folks. As per my previous posts I usually date much older men. This young man has me blissfully confused.
@ Afroditee: i will come to u for some guidance yes. all new to me.
@ Leon: when i typed it i realised just how blunt and harsh that sounded. good thing he didn't flinch!
Welcome God's Child, Oh the Joys and Prim. Make yourselves at home :)
Age is nothing but a number. My significant other is 2 years my junior and I would have it no other way at this point in time. Older men are cool too, once was with one 12 yrs my senior and it was real nice.
This encounter was nice though. Should tell you he's not just about the good good between your legs like most young men are. He sounds worth giving a shot to me.
You don't get 'THAT' feeling very often in life. Keep him in the ring, girl.
It's very rare to find someone that young and that considerate; a lot of them are just after your goodness gracious. Don't let his age keep you from exploring all the possibilities.
Enjoy him,
I am all warm inside for you!
I have to give you my blessings on this one, Spice. You have a good thing going, here. Could this mean the memoirs as we know them are going to end?
8 years is my lower limit in terms of age of guy who i would "check". Pity I can't find one here in the Spice Isle (di pickings very slim).
2 or so years is my upper limit....ok, maybe 5 if he young and fit.
Younger men are IT for me.
(ok, enough of this loafing...time to go back to my work)
whoo-hoo!! I love reading stories like this. lol. I think it's wonderful, and long time ago I'd never consider a "young ting", but my new motto is 21 is the new 30! LOL.
Hope it goes well mi sistren!
@yamfoot, I saw some cuties in the Spice Isle last time I visited...c'mon yuh must can find a young ting over at SGU! :)
Some story! Yuh need to link him again!
Like you, I've never been overly keen in the younger ones... but hey, a change might be good!
it would have to be a young caribbean thing. and remember, I'm 40 now, so young has a new age!
I'd be looking for about a 32 year old and I dont think they have those at SGU.
Catch him while he's still interested. Sounds like a good person.
aww folks.. thoughts of him still make me smile and for that I am grateful. We talk often and maybe we will link up again soon. :)
Welcome Yamfoot & SimpleEnigma!!
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