Okay so the proper meme was 20 things I hate but I am TRYING to be a more positive and loving person so here is my edited version:
- Fake flowers: Unacceptable in any location but all the more in a beautiful caribbean island with fresh flora right outside your door. Don't like fake christmas trees either.. but I have learnt to accept them in the spirit of the season.
- Slow-ass vehicles that do not stay in the left lane except when overtaking.
- Ignorant moronic tourists who truly expect everything in the Third World to be, work and look like everything at home. Why travel then bozo?
- The smell and taste of latex condoms.
- Juice 'drinks'... TruJuice can conquer the world!!
- Superfluous jewellry. Necklaces over clothes, anklets over strappy shoes. If your clothes have some feature at the wrist, ankle or neckline u don't need to wear jewellry on TOP of it.
- Men who bad mouth and disrespect their wives, girlfriends or significant other.
- Forwarded chain letters about faith, hope, love, luck and / or money.
- When Christmas is shortened to Xmas. I'll not have it!! Take the time to write out C-H-R-I-S-T.
- LIES. Of all sorts. Especially those told for no good reason.
So you've tasted condoms huh? At least those tourists view us as equal to them and not some backward little banana republic. Hate those chain letters too.
what is the alternative to #4 since going bareback is not an option in this day and age?
I'd agree with you on all of those. Can we add to the forwards those about 'health' - like don't use ketchup in restaurants as someone with AIDS put blood in the bottle? I HATE those ones!
Agreed on all, except the juice drinks, I love my fruity drinks....
Love your list!! Got a great tip about the forwards.....www.snopes.com
Check out this website if you are ever in doubt as to the validity of a forward. This website will verify whether the email is true, or just a hoax, and go on to explain further. (okay, i'm a bit of a nerd, what can I say) You know you want to know whether or not coke can really dissolve rusty nails.
I'm not sure you're meant to use other peoples comments but Coke dissolves teeth- I remember doing a biology "experiment" where we had to leave a molar in a glass of Coke for 2 weeks- it rotted
@ Leon & Yamfoot: Condoms. Those lil do-gooders. They mean well but they smell [and yes taste] foul. I been trying the flavoured ones of late and its working out nicely. *wink* In this day and age we gotta play safe.
Welcome Anon. There is no good reason to drink coke anyways, now is there? :)
I feel you. Especially, 5, 6, 7 and 10. Definitely 10.
numbers 2 & 3 have me nodding. Love them
3,6 and 8 are definitelyirritants
Great list! I also hate those chain e-mails. I know a family who refuses to use deodorant because of those e-mails that say it gives you breast cancer. Foul!
#5- Me too! Smells like a fuckin tire or something!
LMAO @ "Why travel then bozo?"
Welcome Mistress!! ;)
Am definitely with U on 9 & 10 -- especially, "When Christmas is shortened to Xmas. I'll not have it!! Take the time to write out C-H-R-I-S-T." Hear, hear.
Oh, Lady. I love your hates. I agree with all 10, especially fake flowers and chain e-mail.
Can't these horrid things just go away. Forever?
I agree with all except one but hey..... The forwarded chain letters, GEEEEESSSSH they take the cake they should be declared a cyber crime.
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