Sunday, October 08, 2006

The One Hit Wonder

We met at a party. We danced. He asked for my number. I shyly gave it to him. I gave him one last smile as I departed. I was genuinely thrilled when my phone rang two days later.. We chatted, we arranged to meet and chat some more on the following weekend. I hung up expectant. The next day he surprisingly called again. He had two tickets to a foreign film festival on Friday, did I want to go? Sure. He would pick me up at seven. He was on time. I liked that. He looked even finer the second time around. I liked that even more. He was affectionate. He was a gentleman, street and book smart and, did I mention fine? He introduced me to his brother and his boys. Nice. We went clubbing after. He put a wine on me. Mmm mmm good. We left early. We held hands. We talked in the moonlight. At my door he held my body to his, and kissed my cheek. I floated to my bed. Visions of sugarplums danced in my head.
About three days later I started picking up my phone and looking at it to see if it was working. Three more days and a weekend later the reality set in. I had run thru the gamut of excuses in my head and settled on the facts: There would be no follow-up hits. What tha........? I tried to remember if there was any negative vibe that I had somehow missed. A look, comment ... I am still drawing a blank. Now I look forward to the next time I see him in the street. I will smile, greet him sweetly and move on. Convincing myself that it's completely his loss.


JR's Thumbprints said...

Maybe he needs to "google" you. Or vice versa. Just kidding. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I've done that a couple of times. I don't know, maybe the thrill of the chase gets lost after the first date.

Lex said...

It IS his loss. Be fully convinced.

Marc M said...

His loss. If you can float, well there are plenty of dreams had by eligible guys to be floated into.

katrice said...

I'm sure you're better off. He probably has something to hide. At least you have sweet memories!

Anonymous said...

Strange indeed. Maybe he simply lost interest.

Island Spice said...

Welome Marc, Freshairlover, Dr D. and Katrice! Ok, ok, I'm convinced its his loss! but perhaps the guys have it right: he simply lost interest. Can't wrong him for that still. For what its worth it was a pretty good date if nothing else. I think women have a much more gentle and kind way of dealing with these things tho.

Irie Latino said...

Island Spice yu gone full circle from the Bipolar Mr. Clean who "will always be here" to the One Hit Wonder who gone in a flash. The only thing they have in common.....veeeery straaaaange lol.

Mad Bull said...

Cho, you probably intimidated him. Successful, beautiful, sophisticated. He knew he couldn't keep up with you and so he thought it prudent to duck out early. Don't sweat it.

Unknown said...

The begining sounded like things were going so well. But such is life, look at it this way, it's his loss. Probably MB is is right.

Christina_the_wench said...

He was probably married and had to go home to his wife.

DEFINITELY, his loss either way.

Anonymous said...

Probably ... or maybe he died or something.

The Rev said...

I'll find him for you... and then I'll slap him.

Island Spice said...

Welcome Gooders Girl, Stunner & Smokin Steve!!

GG: You dad sounds like mine, wise!
MB: I think I like your reasoning the best.
As far as I know he ain married OR dead, so Rev.. feel free to slap him. Thanx!