Sunday, October 29, 2006

On my new ride..

I was in the airport and I saw all these pretty indigenous bird themed ads. When I looked closer I realised it was promo for Caribbean Airlines, the new er.. Caribbean Airline. I love the change, it gives me hope: that they will actually have a schedule and stick to it, that they will have decent food, that the seats and tray tables won't be icky ... I could go on but I won't outta some perverse loyalty to my current carrier, Bwee, in its last days. That said, I had a lovely tiramisu on the flight out of Miami last week.
Anyway, here is to something new come January 2007. So far Caribbean Star gets my vote for the best looking pilots, Tobago Express for the most delays and cancellations, BWIA and Air Jamaica tie for best in flight magazine and Air J again for best plane food tho that really is an oxymoron. Welcome to the fray Caribbean Airlines .. pity about the sucky drab name ..


Anonymous said...

Caribbean Airlines. Couldn't they come up with something more original? Nice plane design though. Look forward to seeing them in the skies.

Abeni said...

I wonder why they decided with the change since it appears to be same ole Bwee with new clothes

Scratchie said...

I've seen the ads but didn't realize that it was BWIA. Good luck to them.

Anonymous said...

Do you think anything will change with the renaming / launch etc?

It is a crappy name, and it's not even really correct - it's one airline not lots!

Irie Latino said...

Is it me or is there something vaguely familiar about a hummingbird image on the back of a plane! Come on Bwee, be a little more original, nuh, and stop tief we Air Jamaica logo!

Island Spice said...

They claim its not Bwee, its a whole new business. In fact I know some Bwee staff who have moved on to other places already. Also they have ads recruiting staff.

@ Irie Latino: hol on.. now that you say it... is TRUE!! sigh.. why everybody gotta follow the Jamaicans.. :)

Gooders Girl said...

Don't even get me started on BC air Jamaica!

I hate dat the flight de only ting thats gets me going back is de bashment, de food, and someone always licks down one a dem fasty old tuff or young and feeble air hotess!

I will blog about dem.

Anonymous said...

New face, new threads, same old soul. I figure they will start off with a bang, but in a couple of weeks, back to the same ol' same ol'. The name sucks big time fi true, not the most original design. Dem nuh have dem own national bird dem coulda use ... or is a John Crow???

Dee said...

@ Irie
ah, but it is a hummingbird, not a doctor bird--note the conspicuously absent tail feathers. But still. Why couldn't they use a pineapple or something.