Tuesday, December 05, 2006

On out of sight, out of mind..

I won't even pretend to be philosophical.. simple question:
Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Is out of sight really out of mind?
I read somewhere that relationships are never still, they are either growing closer or apart. What if they are put on hold for awhile? What happens then?


Yamfoot said...


Absence makes the heart grow fonder sometimes.


When you dont see si-maddy for a long time yuh fuhget them.

But I think what influences which one happens, is how much of a foundation the two people have.

If it was just a frappsing kinda relationship, then definitely Number 2, but if you and he did tight from way back when, the fondness thing comes in.

I speaking from 'hexperience.'

Woman Analyzer said...

I think absence makes you want him more until you become frustrated that he's never there. There's a song about that: Never There by Cake.

Mad Bull said...

I am a practical person with practical, nowadays needs, so be absent at your own peril.

Anonymous said...

Depends how absent! My thing is that you need to be close enough that if anything happens and you're needed, you can be there quick. And also depends on for how long - if I can see an end point to the seperation then I can deal with it. If there is no end in sight, then I can't.

So is any of this related to DB Jr? Has the visit happened yet?!

Crankyputz said...

I did long distance for three years, NEVER AGAIN. IF you ain't here, or you don't want to be here, I am not spending a second missing your behind.....jeez i'm kinda jaded these days.

SimplEnigma said...

Think it depends on your relationship with the person and the connection yall have.

For example, when I was going out with the Love of My Life, there were times when we wouldn't see each other for a while. I'd think I was losing interest in him, and then I'd see him, and the excitement would still be there. One of my sisters still lives in JA. I don't see her very often but when we connect, it's like it was just yesterday.

But sometimes, absence can really make you realize that you weren't that close to the person in the first place. There are plenty people that I haven't seen in a while, that I don't miss or worry about seeing.

Abeni said...

You just stay in an in between sort of state. Eventually, something gives and one way or the other the situation resolved

paula said...

Everything in moderation is my motto... and that includes moderation.

There is a fine line between the pangs of missing your sweety and feeling lonely or ignored. It truly depends on the personalities of the people involved in the relationship.

I'm not very high maintenance, I'm good with only seeing my lover on the weekends... but once a month? Nope. That wouldn't be enough for me at this stage in my life.

What do you need from your relationship?

Dee said...

my Mom claims there's more to that saying: Absence makes the heart grow fonder for somebody else!

Anonymous said...

Ever realize that almost every saying has a counter saying to it? Absense does make the heart grow fonder, for a while anyway. There's only so much one can take.