Tuesday, February 06, 2007

One More Wine..

Hello folks... It's been awhile since I have blogged.. Things have been crazy.. between preparations for Cricket World Cup and Trinidad Carnival, I have barely had a minutes rest. On top of that I was down for over a week with the most violent cold and flu ever!
I am all better now, and firmly planted in sweet, sweet T&T from now till Ash Wednesday. :) I have been going to any, every and all fetes and limes possible! So my apologies.. between work and parties I barely have time to sleep or eat much less blog. And of course its only going to get worse over the next 2 weeks....
For anybody who is missing it, go to any of these sites: TriniScene, Trinijunglejuice or Carnivalscene. I am the girl with the big grin on her face, in front the stage at every show. :)Also, for the anthems of the season visit the site of the first human to go high definition Machel Montano..... 'we don't want no sympathy, caw nuhbody can't fete like we...' JUMBIE 'Ready for mas again!!'


Prim said...

Pure and utter jealousy from this end! I am in desperate need for some carnival action in this deep freeze. Enjoy yourself!!!

SimplEnigma said...

Glad u're back...and well. :)

One More Time is my favorite song this year. But I'm also feelin' Fireball's "What I Want"...annoyed me beyond measure the first few times, but it's grown on me. LOL.

Have fun in TT. *sigh* Did I mention it's like 22 degrees here today. *sigh again*

Irie Latino said...

Spice, I've been missing you girl. Having read in your previous post that you are going through a difficult period and of course now reading that you are gearing up to party non-stop through carnival as usual, I thought of you when I came across a very special dog today. And I thought...this would be the perfect dog for Spice...this would be Spice's best friend to take to parties or just chill with at home when she's down. Check out the link spice...and make sure your volume is up before you view...


Yamfoot said...

People ask me how I can be at all them cricket things even though I work. So I guess I know why they ask me that, cause I asking you the same thing!

Anyway, I guess consultants can work from anywhere.

Enjoy! My money is for cricket this year.

Anonymous said...

gwaan wit yuh bad self...

Yamfoot said...

testing 1 2 wellbrain.

Anonymous said...

"caw nuhbody can't fete like we".....is that right...come to Dominica Carnival and u will see whos the best.