Saturday, April 07, 2007

I need a change..

I need variety. Seriously. Sameness drives me crazy. I have a therapist who says this is the root of why I can't settle down... in one country, in one job, with one man, with one hairstyle and it seems, with one blog :) So I been keeping another version of this blog on the side.. exploring the options .. you know how it goes. Today I really need to be pondering 'settling' and 'down' with some other major aspects of my life but while I work out my stories please take a prips of Island Spice Wordpress stylee and tell me what you think. Danke! Bon dia! Happy Easter!


SimplEnigma said...

Hmm, I don't get it. It's the same stuff...Am I missing summin?

Happy Easter.

P.S. Funny because every astrological thing I've ever read has described those traits as traits of Sags...

Island Spice said...

yes its the same.. jus a different format.. i need a crit of the format / presentation etc..

Sags eh? well according to my moms.. I yam what I yam! :)

Jhaldir said...

If you know what you are doing and are willing to invest in working with layout divs, then blogspot seems to have more customization options.

If you can't bother with all that techno mumbo-jumbo then wordpress is probably better suited for you. The themes are just as nice and you have more convenient customization functionality at your disposal.

Personally I feel you should migrate over to wordpress 'cause I am over there :)

Oh! Critique: Honestly I am not a huge fan of full screen layouts. I prefer cleaner, narrower layouts. I propose just playing around with the themes in wordpress and adding your own header images or changing the colors around till you find one that suits you! If you need help just lemme know...

Dee said...

a prips? Haven't heard that in a while. hmm...

Crankyputz said...

I still like the spicy red, nothing wrong with changing it up, till you really find what you want....until then its all taste testing..

Yamfoot said...

the wordpress blog dont go with the persona. i prefer the old one. the colour schemes and so on on the word press one is very blah. so not you.

Anonymous said...

i like this blog. maybe if you spice up the one on WP...

Irie Latino said...

I agree about variety. Sameness is incredibly scary. That's why deskjobs scare the hell out of me. That's why Jamaica can be so frustrating. There is so little variety on the social scene. I don't think it is such a bad thing to be hopping around from country to country. If I could afford it it would be great to live in a couple of places and go back and forth.
As for you not being able to settle down with one man...i'm of two minds on that. It would be great if you found "the one" but then what would happen to the blog and all your great "sex and the city" type stories?

Anonymous said...

Am with those who think that the brown earthy tones are more spicy for you... although it would be nice to have you over at wordpress with us!

Anonymous said...

Well variety is the SPICE of life. See you there.

The Love Collective said...

I LOVE your site. Good post! Please check my blog out at and leave a post. Thanx!

Mad Bull said...

Heres the thing, there are way irie-r themes on wordpress than the one you have chosen. Look around. Wordpress rocks, though.

Anonymous said...

Trust me.. spice.. I know what you saying.. my routines are so... predictable if you know me for 2 weeks you can laywait me and kill me easily.. oh dear.. not smart info to release online.. but its like i'm a robot star..

i hate it.. i hate it so much.. i need some newness too

Anonymous said...

I worked as a labourer in a dairy factory once. Same village, same job, same cow, same dodgy haircut (late Seventies...), day in day out...didn't even have a blog for therapy (again...late Seventies). Couldn't settle down so I moved to selling ice-cream, pre-Haagen Dazs, one flavour only, from a 'non-itinerant' ice cream selling van (eg an ice cream van that remains in the same location for a considerable period of time or trades from prohibited streets). Same shit, still the same village, just the one flavour ice-cream, ripping off the same youthful customers. The only challenge lay in finding new and inventive ways to increase my price/earnings ratio by dishing out ice-cream cones that were constructed in such a way as to hide ever more air underneath the ice-cream. I was clearly going nowhere..... Then I considered my possibilities and realised I wasn't spending my resources adequately. This was a process remarkable in clarifying and fine-tuning my direction. And so I left the village. It wasn't until years later that I actually made a breakthrough when I met a Jamaican woman, and I discovered that I could -indeed- exceed my potential. Moral of this story...pffff...I dunno....I survived a dairy factory, an icecream van, a bout of malaria in the Ivory Coast, hospitalization in China, and then some, and it's good for a Dutchman to find a safe and honest place to explore one's dreams, and sameness keeps this particular Dutchie sane in an insane world....;-) That she's Jamaican is one fuckin' bonus... :-). Have a good weekend.

katrice said...

I like the colors of this blog, but I think wordpress is a better blog host. One day I'll get brave and move mine over.

Irie Latino said...

Wow Dutchie. Your comment was a lot like a European artsy film. It started out all slow and boring and then slowly it got better and more interesting and finally left me pondering what the hell was the point of the story. It's like one of those movies that you can't explain in one line. You would have to explain it by literally repeating everything that happened and the person still wouldn't get it. It's like one of those movies where the theatrical trailer could only be produced as just a collection of random scenes that can't explain what the movie is about. Do you know that guy with the deep voice that voices all the theatrical trailers...he would to say. He'd be quiet.

Anonymous said...

TLMAO!! Vintage Ducthie! LOL

Spot on Irie Latino!

I like this one - well the colours IS - maybe if you get the same vibe over the other one?

Jdid said...

kinda like the wordpress site

Island Spice said...

hahahahhaha.. Dutchie you rock! So are you saying that eventually I will find some sameness that I enjoy?? Know anyone else hoping to find a wild Jamaican girl? I'm glad you found what you were looking for.. she rocks too! ;)

@ Taylor: u are beyond hilarious.. encouraging stalkers are u? Come lime with me awhile.. I will mess up your entire equilibrium.promise.

@ Fiyah: thanks for the offer.. I soon sort out what I wanna do. Crazy busy these days tho.. btw like the new look of your site.

@ Irie Latino: er.. so i wont settle down so i can keep entertaining you with stories of my sad love life!!

@ Yamfoot: thanks for the compliment! i think :P

yea guys.. i like these colours too.. soon as i have a lil idle time i will play with the whole thing a bit. spring cleaning delayed by work!!

Anonymous said...

"I need variety. Seriously. Sameness drives me crazy. I have a therapist who says this is the root of why I can't settle down... in one country, in one job, with one man, with one hairstyle.."

We must have been separated at birth!

Calimero said...

Nice Blog Spice, I enjoy reading it..

I live in TT but Im from VZLA.. Im blogging in Spanish..

Sorry for my possible mistakes :)
